Elimination Bingo

Elimination Bingo

Regular bingo is a lot of fun and most players agree that it is a game that stays interesting hour after hour. Still, bingo with some kind of twist is a nice break from the original style of the game and this is what you will find with elimination bingo. In elimination bingo you don’t want bingo. If you get bingo you are out of the game! This is a lot of fun and there are plenty of cool effects to make the twist of the game very effective.

When No Bingo IS Bingo
The first thing you need to do before you sit down to play elimination bingo is to set your mind on not wanting a bingo. This could get confusing in the beginning, especially if you play a lot. Everything works just like in regular bingo. The caller will draw the numbers and call them and if they are on your card you need to cross them out. This is exactly what you don’t want to do since the winner will have a card with the least crossed out numbers.

Special Features
When you play elimination bingo online you will absolutely not be able to cheat by not daubing the called numbers. Like all online bingo the automatic settings make sure that your card is followed whether you daub it manually or not. You will be able to follow the other players in the game by their cards. As each number is called you can keep track of how many cards are still in the game. In some cases you can even see the details of the cards that are about to be eliminated. This makes the game a lot of fun since you can follow the results of each call very closely.

Playing with Many Cards
In elimination bingo you can play with many cards at once. Some games will let you enter with as many as 50 tickets at once! The more cards that are in a game the longer it will take to play it and this is part of the charm of elimination bingo. You should make sure to enter only as many cards as you can keep track of. The game needs to remain fun and not be a crazy race to win. Even one or two cards are enough for a very good game of elimination bingo.

Use the Chat Room
In essence elimination bingo is a tournament game since you are competing against many other players. You’ll be happy to see their cards eliminated and yours still in the game but don’t forget the social aspect of bingo. Most good bingo halls online have chat rooms where players can speak and interact during the games. Make sure to use the chat room and get to know your opponents. If you aren’t winning you should still keep a nice tone to the players that are doing better. You’ll appreciate their good words on your good days and through the chat room you can make friendships that last much longer than an elimination bingo game.

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